The story revolves around a middle-class Indian family, where a father dreams of living in a building while his son wants to start a business, leading to a strained relationship.
Stars: Akanksha Sakharkar, Akshay Kelkar, Ramesh Vani, Umesh Jangam, Akshay Shimpi, Aarti Jadhav
Crew: Rohit Salvi (Story), Ajay Chauhan (Sound Designer), Vinay Pal (Editor), Vinayak Jadhav (Cinematography), Preeti Wankhede-Bhise (Costume Designer), Prashant Kamble (Makeup Artist)
Country: India
Studio: Ultra Media & Entertainment [IN]
Runtime: 115 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Apr 28, 2023
IMDb: 10