This unique feature-length documentary follows filmmaker Sean Langan's journey into the Russian side of the war in Eastern Ukraine, the only independent UK journalist to report from what is almost exclusively a hidden and otherwise inaccessible side of this conflict. In an intimate look at a side of Russia’s war rarely seen in Western media, Sean heads into the Russian-occupied Donbas region to find out through the eyes of soldiers on the Eastern front and civilians coping with war in the streets how the conflict is affecting them.
Genre: Documentary, War
Crew: Leslie Knott (Executive Producer), Sean Langan (Writer), Sean Langan (Director of Photography), Leslie Knott (Producer), Sean Langan (Director)
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English, Pусский, Український
Studio: Tiger Nest Films
Runtime: 99 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Feb 19, 2024
IMDb: 1