The voice of an officer counts out the last tense seconds- 'Three Two One - Zero!' - and another atomic explosion rends the stillness. This film, made in America by the National Broadcasting Company, tells the story of atomic energy and discusses the problem that now confronts the world: "It is the people... who must come to know what atomic energy can and will do, for good and evil... The real problem does not rest in scientific mechanisms, but rather it rests in the minds and hearts of men".
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Alexander Scourby
Crew: Henry Salomon (Writer), Richard Hanser (Writer), Isaac Kleinerman (Editor), Robert Russell Bennett (Music), Henry Salomon (Producer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 52 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 11, 1954
IMDb: 5