In this animated adult comedy set in suburban Las Vegas, a super-shy seven-foot-tall gorilla is thrust out of his comfort zone after he's dragged to a High School house party against his will.
Stars: Will Brady, John A Bryant, Alexsia Tarquinii, My Linh Tinnierella, Hayden Loudenback, Catalina Qualantone
Crew: Priski Martino (Background Designer), JoJo Scanlon (Writer), JoJo Scanlon (Producer), JoJo Scanlon (Director), Michael Szalkiewicz (Animation), JoJo Scanlon (Editor)
Language: English
Studio: Best Brothers LLC
Runtime: 15 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 02, 2024
IMDb: 1
Keywords:high school, alcohol, slice of life, house party, weed, party, absurd, hilarious, comedy, bold, exhilarated, brutus