A short film created by Duane Palyka and Hank Grebe, artists and animators of the lab. It was a joint effort between the Computer Graphics Lab and the 2D animation studio, which was originally founded for the production of NYIT's 1975 film Tubby the Tuba. Animators a part of that team include John Gentilella and Francis Glebas. Mouse's Ear was mostly animated on paper before the drawings were scanned and lined, colored, and composited digitally. The film was originally presented to Vestron Video in 1985 or 1986 for possible distribution, however it was rejected and never saw a public release or screening.
Genre: Animation
Stars: Hank Grebe, Annette Zacharia, Rex Grignon, Kurt Ritshie
Crew: Duane Palyka (Director), Dan Conte (Music), Hank Grebe (Director), Dan Conte (Additional Dialogue), Kurt Ritshie (Additional Dialogue), John Gentilella (Animation)
Studio: New York Institute of Technology
Runtime: 20 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 01, 1985
IMDb: 10