The year 1968 approaches. Bubbling underneath festive spirits are quiet anticipations of a major escalation of conflict, alongside exciting dreams of a brighter future...that seems so close and yet somehow far away. Tư Chung, tasked with overseeing the joint offensive on supreme headquarters in Saigon at the first moment of the lunar year, prepares himself for the most beautiful and painful of hopes. The final part of a series based on a real-life organization involved in intelligence activities in South Vietnam before 1975.
Stars: Quang Thái, Hà Xuyên, Thanh Loan, Bùi Cường, Thúy An, Hồng Phúc
Crew: Nguyễn Thanh (Writer), Hoàng Tích Chỉ (Script Editor), Hải Ninh (Script Editor), Hoàng Hiệp (Music), Thanh Hảo (Makeup Artist), Lê Phương (Writer)
Country: Vietnam
Language: Tiếng Việt
Studio: Hãng Phim Truyện Việt Nam
Runtime: 78 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 04, 1986
IMDb: 10