Martha Cecilia's Kristine is a 2010 Filipino romance-drama primetime television series produced and aired by ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation. from August 16, 2010 to February 11, 2011 It is based on 54 books of the pocketbook the Kristine Series, by Martha Cecilia. The series is the twelfth installment of Precious Hearts Romances Presents and is the first adaptation to be on a primetime slot.
The series is about two rival families—the Fortalejos and the De Silvas— two sisters of the Fortalejo family unexpectedly fall in love with a De Silva.
It was also the official offering of the celebration of 60 Years of Philippine Soap Operas.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Cristine Reyes, Zanjoe Marudo, Irma Adlawan, Denise Laurel, Eric Fructuoso, Rafael Rosell
Crew: Rory B. Quintos, Richard Arellano, Theodore Boborol, Mavic Holdago-Oducayen, Denise O'Hara, Clarissa Estuar
Country: PH
Studio: ABS-CBN
Runtime: 26:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Aug 16, 2010
Last air date: Feb 11, 2011
Episode: 129 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 5