In this town, Kagosuke and Ryukichi of the Okamoto family, who are deeply committed to the yakuza way, are straightforward and justice-loving hot-blooded men. However, their slight clumsiness is a flaw, but they are extremely strong in fights, and there's no one who can match them. They are head over heels for Osen-san. They are both desperately unwilling to yield even if the other is a brother.
Stars: Akira Kobayashi, Hideki Takahashi, Michiko Saga, Kotoe Hatsui
Crew: Buichi Saitō (Director), Hisataka Kai (Screenplay), Ashihei Hino (Novel), Taichiro Kosugi (Music)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Nikkatsu Corporation
Runtime: 84 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 20, 1966
IMDb: 10