Guilty Crown: Lost Christmas
In 2029, Scrooge escapes from a research facility where he had been confined as an experimental subject. His body was remodeled by genetic manipulations and he uses his psychic power to kill the chasers. One day, he meets another experimental subject called Carol. When three psychic chasers hunt down the two, Carol asks Scrooge to use his right arm to extract a weapon from her body.
Genre: Animation, Action, Drama, Science Fiction
Stars: Kana Asumi, Takahiro Sakurai, Nobutoshi Canna, Yu Kobayashi
Crew: Shinpei Ezaki (Director), Norimitsu Kaiho (Screenplay), Yasuyuki Ebara (Animation Director), Toshihiko Nakajima (Sound Director)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Production I.G
Runtime: 14 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 26, 2012
IMDb: 2.8