Detective Romi
Set in Bilbao, the plot of the series focuses on the work of Romina Goitia, Romi, a thirty-year-old private detective with an innate gift for investigation: she is deaf, which is why she has developed a unique ability to interpret non-verbal communication and detect lies. Romi complements this extraordinary skill with a certain tendency to skirt the law to achieve her goals, in contrast to the extremely disciplined and responsible profile of Patricia Irureta, her new intern partner.
Genre: Action & Adventure, Mystery, Drama
Stars: María Cerezuela, Natalia Millán, Edurne Azkarate, Unax Ugalde, Elena Irureta, Asier Etxeandia
Country: ES
Studio: Telecinco
Runtime: 70:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Jan 01, 1970
Last air date: Jan 01, 1970
Episode: 1 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10