Kenny the Shark - Season 1

Kenny the Shark is an animated television series produced by Discovery Kids. The show premiered on NBC's Discovery Kids on NBC from November 1, 2003 and ended February 18, 2006 with two seasons and 26 episodes having been shown. The series continued to run on Discovery Kids until the network changed into The Hub on October 10, 2010. Discovery Kids closed with a 4 hour marathon of Kenny the Shark episodes. Despite the closure, it still aired on The Hub until March 25, 2012. It is about an anthropomorphic tiger shark named Kenny that decides to move out of the ocean. He was the protagonist and main character in the series. This was not Kenny's first appearance, however. In the late-1990s, a series of shorts ran between regular programming. Kenny was not seen, as the camera was from his point of view. A contest was held to guess what kind of shark Kenny was with the result being a tiger shark.

Genre: ,

Stars: , , , , ,

Crew: Jared Faber

Country: US

Studio: Discovery Kids

Runtime: 30:14 minutes

Quality: HD

First air date: Nov 01, 2003

Last air date: Feb 19, 2005

Episode: 52 Episode

Season: 2 Season

IMDb: 4.3
