Slinger's Day
Slinger's Day is a British sitcom that aired for two series from 1986 to 1987, made by Thames Television for the ITV network. It was a continuation of Tripper's Day, which had originally come to a natural end after Leonard Rossiter's death, and, despite the overwhelmingly negative response it had drawn from reviewers and a section of the viewing public, was revived this time with Bruce Forsyth as a different character to Rossiter but fulfilling the same role, that of the manager of a London supermarket with largely incompetent staff.
Like Tripper's Day, it was created by Brian Cooke, however, in contrast to the previous series, Cooke only wrote two episodes of the twelve episodes, more than half of them being written by Vince Powell with others being written by Alex Shearer and Sorry! creators Ian Davidson and Peter Vincent, and one episode written by the prolific Andrew Marshall and David Renwick.
Slinger's Day represented Forsyth's only ever situation comedy acting role, and he remained more associated with stand-up routines and gameshows.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Liz Crowther, David Kelly, Philip Bird, Paul Clarkson, Andrew Paul, Bruce Forsyth
Country: GB
Studio: ITV1
Runtime: 30:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 03, 1986
Last air date: Oct 14, 1987
Episode: 12 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 6