The film kicks off when Akshay, young IT professional from Delhi; only child of a single parent Suneel Narang embarks on a journey to get his father, a widower; married so to finally put an end to his prolonged loneliness. Co-incidentally in Jaipur, a vibrant young girl Poonam is on the same hunt to find a partner for her mother, Shoma; whom she's seen as a divorcee since childhood.
Stars: Mohit Chauhan, Charu Rahtogi, Vishal Nayak, Sayani Gupta, Kanisha Malhotra, Akhilendra Mishra
Crew: Dinkar Sharma (Story), Mannan Munjal (Music), Gaurav Panjwani (Director), Vinod Mehta (Producer), Aditya Agarwal (Music), A. Muthu (Editor)
Country: India
Language: हिन्दी
Studio: Vin Mehta Films Pvt Ltd.
Runtime: 130 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jul 01, 2013
IMDb: 10