This coming-of-age teen dark comedy, revolves around main protagonist, Kiara, who is peer pressured into taking drugs from friends and starts to hallucinate. In this somewhat illusive, fantasy world; Kiara and her friends are on a mission to get revenge on her ex-boyfriend whilst under the influence which makes her question the situation at hand.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Morayo Adeagbo, Mollie Packer, Nina Jay, Sanmi Oguntunde, Christian Braimah, Adam Brown
Crew: Shahad Mumin (Casting), Peter Rose (Editor), Peter Rose (Writer), Peter Rose (Producer), Adam Brown (Music), Oscar Moreno (Cinematography)
Country: United Kingdom
Studio: Nort3y Productions
Runtime: 15 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 10, 2020
IMDb: 10