Shinji Imaoka, the director of “Waiting for you,” starred Ayane Suzukawa, a popular sexy idol, and a unique sensual drama depicting the struggle of a woman whose husband was kidnapped by a giant Tsuchinoko. The couple, Ichiro and Sonoko, are attacked by a human-sized Tsuchinoko in the mountains, and only Ichiro is taken away. Sonoko rescued by Tsuchinoko Hunter Kurikoma descends alone, but Ichiro's colleague Segawa cannot believe Sonoko's story. Eventually Sonoko goes to find the giant Tsuchinoko's den again to meet Ichiro.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Ayane Suzukawa, Yumi Anno, Ai Tsukimoto, Kiyomi Itō, Takuya Sakurai, Ryutaro Ninomiya
Crew: Fumio Moriya (Writer), Shinji Imaoka (Director)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Okura Pictures
Runtime: 70 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 27, 2017
IMDb: 9