The story revolves around a group of privileged Jakarta teens and the notorious IG account @GossipGirl.Indo who watches their every move and becomes the source of all the important news about these raging hormone teens' scandal.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jihane Almira, Amanda Rawles, Baskara Mahendra, Jerome Kurnia, Arya Vasco, Rayssa Dynta
Crew: Lucky Suwandi, Nia Dinata, Andri Cung, Pritagita Arianegara, Sandie Elisabeth, Melissa Karim
Country: ID
Studio: GoPlay
Runtime: 45:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Feb 14, 2020
Last air date: Apr 10, 2020
Episode: 9 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 4