Getting By is an American sitcom that aired on ABC from March 5, 1993 until May 21, 1993, and on NBC from September 21, 1993 until June 18, 1994. The series was created by William Bickley and Michael Warren, who also served as executive producers with Thomas L. Miller and Robert L. Boyett. The final Miller-Boyett series to begin its run under parent studio Lorimar Television, Getting By was folded into Warner Bros. Television for its second season, following Warner Bros.' absortion of Lorimar.
The series was initially successful as a part of ABC's TGIF lineup in its first season, but politics between ABC and Miller-Boyett Productions led to the show's switch to NBC in the second season.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Cindy Williams, Telma Hopkins, Deon Richmond, Merlin Santana, Ashleigh Sterling, Nicki Vannice
Country: US
Studio: NBC
Runtime: 30:23 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Mar 05, 1993
Last air date: Jun 18, 1994
Episode: 31 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3