Party Boys is the story of four roommates, Jammu, Kipe, Alpo, Pekkuli, and their mischievous neighbour Rantala, who, along with many other heroes, plunge into incredible adventures in the mecca of insanity, Tampere's Hervanta.
Genre: Comedy
Stars: Andres Pass, Matti Kuusniemi, Aatto Paasonen, Sami Saarinen, Ville Lähde, Toni Lapinlampi
Crew: Ville Lähde, Ville Lähde
Country: FI
Studio: YouTube
Runtime: 23:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Sep 18, 2008
Last air date: Dec 11, 2008
Episode: 13 Episode
Season: 1 Season
IMDb: 10
Keywords:alcohol abuse, sitcom