In the quaint village of Chandakavadi, Nata is a dynamic, educated, and principled young man employed as a lineman, responsible for managing the power supply in the area. Amidst them resides Sharadamma, an elderly midwife renowned for conducting countless successful deliveries. As the townsfolk prepare to celebrate Sharadamma's remarkable 100th birthday, she persuades the entire village to endure a few days without electricity until the celebration concludes. The film questions whether the villagers of Chandakavadi withstand the challenges until power is restored.
Stars: Thrigun, Jayashreedevi, Mico Nagaraj, Apoorva, Sujay Shastri, Kajol Kundar
Crew: Manikanth Kadri (Music), Raghunatha L. (Editor), Raghu Shastry (Writer), Raghu Shastry (Director), Shanthi Sagar HG (Director of Photography), Yateesh V. (Producer)
Country: India
Language: ?????
Studio: Purple Rock Entertainers
Runtime: 121 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Mar 15, 2024
IMDb: 10