Ellis, a fourteen-minute film directed by JR and written by Academy Award winner Eric Roth, tells the elusive story of countless immigrants whose pursuit of a new life led them to the now-shuttered Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital. Following its opening in 1902, approximately 1.2 million people passed through the facility, where the Statue of Liberty can be seen from the windows. Languishing in a sort of purgatory awaiting their fate, many were never discharged.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Robert De Niro
Crew: Eric Roth (Screenplay), JR (Director), Maxime Pozzi-Garcia (Editor), André Chemetoff (Director of Photography), Nils Frahm (Original Music Composer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Unframed USA
Runtime: 14 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Oct 04, 2015
IMDb: 4.357